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Image medical weight loss center ontario ca

Language: English German. Introduction Minimally invasive operative techniques are being used increasingly in gynaecological surgery. The expansion of the laparoscopic operation spectrum is in part the result of improved imaging. There was only a slight advantage for coagulating.

There was not a significant advantage for image width.

Image medical weight loss center ontario ca

Depiction of adhesions and retroperitoneal neural structures was significantly improved by the stereoscopic Image medical weight loss center ontario ca, though this did not apply to blood vessels, ureter, uterus or ovaries. Einleitung In der gynäkologischen Chirurgie sind minimalinvasive Operationsmethoden zunehmend auf dem Vormarsch. Die Erweiterung des laparoskopischen OP-Spektrums resultiert u.

In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, welche praktischen Vorteile der Einsatz von 3-D-Kameras in der operativen Routine mit sich bringt. Material und Methoden Es wurden 2 unterschiedliche 3-dimensionale Kamerasysteme mit einem 2-dimensionalen HD-System verglichen. Direkt postoperativ wurden hierzu die Erfahrungen der Operateure mittels Fragebogen erhoben. Dagegen waren die Vorteile beim Koagulieren nur gering. Die allgemeinen Sichtverhältnisse und insbesondere die Tiefendarstellung des Raumes war durch die Verwendung von 3-D-Kameras signifikant verbessert im Vergleich zum 2-dimensionalen Bild.

Dagegen zeigte sich in der Bildbreitendarstellung kein signifikanter Vorteil der stereoskopischen Kameras. Die Darstellung von Adhäsionen und nervalen Strukturen des Retroperitoneums zeigte sich bei 3-D-Kameras signifikant verbessert.

Schlussfolgerung Durch die räumliche Tiefendarstellung ergaben sich besonders signifikante Vorteile gegenüber 2-dimensionalen Kameras bei der Darstellung feiner anatomischer Strukturen. Daraus resultiert eine Erleichterung des laparoskopischen Operierens. In recent years there has been a sharp increase in the use of minimally invasive operative techniques in gynaecological surgery. The expansion of the spectrum of laparoscopic operations is largely due to technical advances.

These include the development of special instrumentation, e. A 3-dimensional camera system was used in gynaecology for the first time in 7. The stereoscopic, i. This time-saving was particularly relevant for complex procedures 8.

With the da Vinci robotic surgical system a 3D camera system was widely used in endoscopic surgery for the first time. This system is an expensive alternative to open and laparoscopic surgery. Today more and more 3D camera systems of various types are becoming available for conventional laparoscopic surgery. In our hospital we offer the full spectrum of laparoscopic operations, including radical carcinoma surgery.

These procedures are mostly performed using a 2D video system, though the da Vinci operating robot is also used.

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Technical innovations can reduce this stress. We tested two Image medical weight loss center ontario ca camera systems to investigate whether, and in which surgical situations, 3D intraoperative imaging is advantageous. In our study the systems were implemented in real, everyday surgical situations.

Two skills are paramount for performing laparoscopic surgery: firstly the ability to convert 2D information into a 3D understanding of the anatomy, and secondly hand-eye coordination The aim of this study was to test the suitability of 3D camera systems for everyday use and to elucidate whether, and in which operative situations, 3D imaging is beneficial compared to 2D systems.

Two 3D camera systems were tested by a total of 5 experienced surgeons. Following initial training in the use of the systems by product representatives from the respective firms there was a 3-week familiarisation phase in which the 5 trained operating surgeons undertook operations of all grades of difficulty in order to develop a degree of routine in using the camera systems, and to become accustomed to the 3D view.

Thereafter followed the actual test phase of the study in which both systems were in routine use on a daily basis over a number of consecutive weeks.

The systems were used for operations of diverse levels of difficulty, the surgeons completing a questionnaire after each procedure. In addition to the set questions the questionnaire allowed for free comment on the imaging apparatus used.

A total of operations were performed using both 3D camera systems. Of these, were performed with the 3D camera from the manufacturer Storz, and with the camera manufactured by Aesculap. An additional operations were performed with the Storz 2D system Fig.

Braun Melsungen AG, Melsungensubsequently referred to as system 2. Modified versions of both systems are now available, thus neither of the producers will have been disadvantaged by this article. Indeed, the Aesculap system has since been significantly modified and is no longer controlled by the robotic arm described here. The questionnaire contained 9 main questions, some of which were subdivided into further questions making a total of 18 questionnaire points Table 1.

Each questionnaire point was rated from 1 to 5 with 1 representing a significant improvement, and 5 a negative rating. The systems were used in routine practice on an alternating basis. Although the two camera systems were constructed very differently, they received similar ratings from surgeons. The mean score of 2. With a p-value of 0.

Since the external assembly of the Image medical weight loss center ontario ca 3D system did not differ from the 2D system from the same manufacturer, the camera guidance of the 2D system was not assessed separately. In the free comments section of the questionnaire it was repeatedly reported that the 3D camera heated up more markedly than the 2D camera and this was experienced as uncomfortable.

The manual actions evaluated were coagulating, cutting anatomical structures and suturing. Table 2 shows the mean scores and p-values achieved by the different 3D systems for each of these actions. No significant differences were found between the two systems. Table 3 shows the manual actions for all three systems.

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On comparison of system 1 with the 2D HD system it is notable that suturing system 1: mean 1. Coagulation was only slightly, non-significantly improved system 1: mean 2. Performing manual actions with system 2 was also improved compared to the 2D system, for suturing system 2: mean 1. Operative visibility in general was rated better for both 3D systems compared to the 2D system system 1: mean 1. There was no difference between the two 3D cameras on comparison with one another system 1: mean 1.

The subjective improvement in general visibility with 3D technology vs. Similar to these findings for general visibility, the two 3D units did not differ from one another in their ratings for spacial depth depiction. The mean score for the Aesculap system was 1.

In comparison, the 2D system had a mean score of 3. For image width system Image medical weight loss center ontario ca was rated at a mean score of 2. The 2D camera system was rated at a mean of 2.

Table 4 shows the mean scores of the different camera systems for the depiction of various pelvic anatomical structures.

For the retroperitoneum the ability to visualise neural structure was rated. Both 3D systems improved visualisation of the uterus and ovaries but not significantly. In contrast, they improved visualisation of nerves mean 1. Since the Aesculap camera system was guided by a robotic arm no comparison was made with the manually controlled cameras. Only differences between the Storz 3D and 2D systems were captured.

In the free comment section it was noted, however, that rapid movements with the 3D camera sometimes caused the surgeons to feel dizzy.

Fogging over of the lens is a well-known technical problem in laparoscopy.

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The manually controlled Storz systems had the advantage that they could be removed from the operative field for cleansing much more quickly than the Aesculap system, which was fixed by a robotic arm. For this reason we only analysed the frequency of lens fogging. The mean score for the 2D system was 2. The Storz 3D system was rated at a mean score of 1. The 2D camera was rated at mean of 2.

Only the Storz system had an integrated autofocus, which was found to react quickly and function reliably in routine use. It received an average score of 1. Both 3D systems proved suitable for routine use in our setting.

Despite these differences the two camera concepts received similar ratings for controllability by surgeons 2. This very similar rating may have resulted from the fact that the two Image medical weight loss center ontario ca were not used in parallel, but rather on an alternating basis over a period of weeks. Both cameras had their advantages: surgeons appreciated the reliable autofocus on the one, and by the more realistic anatomical depiction of the other. The ideal solution would seem to be a combination of these two technologies.

The two study systems both had advantages and disadvantages in terms of camera control. The Aesculap camera was significantly bigger and heavier than the Storz camera, making prolonged manual steering problematic.

However the robotic arm control allowed continuous movement and made smaller procedures possible practically without the need for an assistant.

In contrast, the much smaller and lighter Storz camera could be manually controlled even for longer operations without difficulty. The disadvantage was relatively marked heat generation, which surgeons found uncomfortable. Since there was not a comparable robotic arm system from the Storz company, this camera was not rated on this point.

Both points are considered technical disadvantages of 3D imaging. In comparison, the 2D HD camera system was rated significantly worse. Results were different for the third manual action, coagulation. For this parameter there were not significant differences between the two 3D systems and the 2D lens. Coagulating under 3D imaging was rated noticeably worse than the other manual actions. The reason for this — as noted in the free comment section — was the more vivid depiction of coagulation smoke particles, which surgeons found bothersome.

Alternative Therapy. Mimamsia Gmbh Positive outcome based genetic interpretation for rare inherited disorders - Mimamsia Mimamsia is a molecular and operational insights company offering solutions in genetic data analysis and interpretation in the field of rare inherited disorders for all unsolved cases.

Medical Laboratories. Zahnarzt Dr. Dennis J. Koenen Zahnarzt - Dr. Koenen Zahnarztpraxis - Zahnarzt Dr. Many thanks for this great review article 1. I am a general practitioner who runs a sarcoidosis clinic, and as such I missed the psychosomatic aspect. This is relevant because almost all of my sarcoidosis patients experience depression. Demgegenüber wird das 2-D-HD-Kamerasystem signifikant schlechter bewertet. Bei der 3. Hier zeigen sich zwischen den beiden 3-D-Systemen und der 2-D-Optik keine signifikanten Unterschiede.

Das Koagulieren wird unter 3-D-Sicht auffallend schlechter als die anderen manuellen Tätigkeiten eingestuft. Ursächlich hierfür ist die plastischere Darstellung der Schwebepartikel des Koagulationsrauchs, wie aus den schriftlichen Kommentaren der Operateure ersichtlich war, was als störend empfunden wurde. Wie in unserer Analyse, so konnten auch zahlreiche andere Autoren eine Verbesserung der manuellen Tätigkeit unter Verwendung stereoskopischer Kameras nachweisen.

Durch die Verwendung von 2-D-Systemen kommt es zu einer veränderten visuellen Wahrnehmung, die durch die reduzierte Tiefenwahrnehmung hervorgerufen wird Diese Wahrnehmungsprobleme der 2-dimensionalen Laparoskopie versucht die 3-D-Laparoskopie zu beheben.

Way et al. Demgegenüber zeigten Alarami et al. Die Sichtverhältnisse zwischen beiden 3-D-Systemen zeigten in unserer Untersuchung, mit einer Bewertung von 1,44 für das System 1 bzw.

Dagegen waren die Sichtbedingungen der stereoskopischen Kameras im Vergleich zur Image medical weight loss center ontario ca signifikant besser.

Image medical weight loss center ontario ca

Jedoch war der Unterschied zwischen der 2-dimensionalen Kamera zu den beiden 3-D-Kameras mit einem p-Wert von 0, bzw. Analog zu unserer Untersuchung konnten auch Jones et al. Dieses Resultat wird auch aus den freien Kommentaren der Operateure in unserer Studie nochmals untermauert. Während die räumliche Tiefendarstellung eine gravierende Verbesserung durch die 3-D-Systeme erfuhr, zeigte die Darstellung der Bildbreite nur marginale Unterschiede zwischen den Image medical weight loss center ontario ca.

Bei dem Vergleich der Darstellung verschiedener anatomischer Strukturen, wozu auch Adhäsionen gerechnet wurden, war erkennbar, dass es zwischen den beiden 3-D-Kamerasystemen keine gravierenden Unterschiede gab. Dagegen war die Darstellung von Adhäsionen und retroperitonealer Nerven mittels der beiden 3-D-Systeme signifikant besser verglichen mit dem 2-dimensionalen System. Aus dieser Tatsache ergibt sich, dass sich der Einsatz von 3-D-Technik bei filigraneren Strukturen wie Adhäsionen und Nerven als besonders vorteilhaft erweist.

Der Unterschied stellte sich als nicht signifikant dar. Als Ursache für diese schlechtere Bewertung zeigte sich aus den freien Antworten der Operateure, dass gerade schnelle Bewegungen mit der 3-D-Kamera wiederholt zu kurzfristigen Schwindelgefühlen und Übelkeit führten, was als unangenehm empfunden wurde. Diese Problematik der 3-D-Technik ist schon länger bekannt und wurde auch von Mueller et al. Da das Setting für alle Operateure gleich war, lässt sich hier als Hauptursache ein stereoskopischer Fehler vermuten.

Ein Beschlagen bzw. Anlaufen der Optik, wie es bspw. System 2 MW 1,89 zeigt sich mit einem p-Wert von 0,08 bzw.

What Are the Advantages of 3D Cameras in Gynaecological Laparoscopy?

Trotz sehr unterschiedlicher Aufbauten der 3-D-Kameras stellen diese Systeme für die Operateure und damit auch für die Patienten eine Verbesserung bzw.

Die 3-D-Technik ermöglicht dem Operateur eine zusätzliche Darstellung der Raumtiefe und eine verbesserte plastische Erfassung der Organstrukturen. Daraus resultiert eine Erleichterung bei der Durchführung manueller Tätigkeiten. Insgesamt zeigt sich so eine weitere Annäherung der Situsdarstellung an die Bedingungen der offenen Chirurgie. Diese realere Situsdarstellung kann zu einer Stressreduktion beim Operateur führen.

Die 3-D-Technik erleichtert die Durchführung schwierigerer Operationsschritte, wodurch die Operationsdauer verkürzt werden kann. Weiterhin ist es so möglich, komplexere Eingriffe minimalinvasiv durchzuführen, was für die Patientinnen mit einer schnelleren Rekonvaleszenz im Vergleich zur offenen Chirurgie einhergeht.

Zu den Schwächen dieser Studie ist anzumerken, dass es sich bei den Ergebnissen hier um subjektive Einschätzungen von Operateuren handelt und nicht um standardisiert erhobene objektive Messungen von reproduzierbaren Tätigkeiten.

Darin besteht aber gleichzeitig auch die Stärke der Untersuchung. Insgesamt führt die 3-D-Bildgebung zu einer Verbesserung der Sichtverhältnisse, was besonders durch Tiefendarstellung des Raumes erzielt wird. Diese zusätzliche Plastizität bringt zum einen signifikante Vorteile in der Darstellung der Anatomie und hier besonders bei feinen Strukturen. Zum anderen fallen dem Operateur Image medical weight loss center ontario ca auch komplexere Operationstätigkeiten wie das Nähen durch den Einsatz der Stereoskopie deutlich leichter.

Die 3-D-Technik erwies sich in dieser Untersuchung als voll alltagstauglich und stellte eine signifikante Verbesserung der operativen Bedingungen dar, was für den Operateur eine Erleichterung der Operation bedeutet und für die Patientin einen Sicherheitsgewinn erbringt.

National Center for Biotechnology InformationU. Journal List Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd v. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. BaumM. SillemJ. NeyA. FriedrichJ. RadosaK. KramerB. GronwaldS. GottschlingE. SolomayerA. Rodyand R. Baum 5 Praxis Prof. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract Introduction Minimally invasive operative techniques are being used increasingly in gynaecological surgery. Key words: laparoscopy, 3D, advantage, clinical use.

Zusammenfassung Einleitung In der gynäkologischen Chirurgie sind minimalinvasive Operationsmethoden zunehmend auf dem Vormarsch. Schlüsselwörter: Laparoskopie, 3-D, Vorteil, klinischer Nutzen. Introduction In recent years there has been a sharp increase in the use of minimally invasive operative techniques in gynaecological surgery. Materials and Methods Test modalities Two 3D camera systems were tested by a total of 5 experienced surgeons.

Open in a separate window. Data acquisition The questionnaire contained 9 main questions, some of which were subdivided into further questions making a total of 18 questionnaire points Table 1. Results Camera control Although the two camera systems were constructed very differently, they received similar ratings from surgeons.

Manual actions The manual actions evaluated were coagulating, cutting anatomical structures and suturing. System 1 mean System 2 mean p-value Suturing 1. System 1 mean 2D system p-value System 2 mean 2D system p-value Suturing 1. General visibility and spacial operative field depth Operative visibility in general was rated better for both 3D systems compared to the 2D system system 1: mean 1. Image operative field width For image width system 1 was rated at a mean score of 2.

Depiction of anatomical structures Table 4 shows the mean scores of the different camera systems for the depiction of various pelvic anatomical structures. Movement Since the Aesculap camera system was guided by a robotic arm no comparison was made with the manually controlled cameras. Lens fogging Fogging over of the lens is a well-known technical problem in laparoscopy. Constantly i utilized to learn smaller content that too clear their motive, which is additionally occurring with this specific paragraph that we have always been reading dating that is brazilian usa as of this spot?

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