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- In this review the BEYOND trial is reviewed and placed in the context of advantages and disadvantages of currently available first line IFNB-1a im 6 MIU (30 µg)/Woche („black holes“) in den verschiedenen Behandlungsgruppen sein. GA gelegentliche lipoatrophische Veränderungen zu beobachten.
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Allergic rhinitis AR and hyperractive disorders of the upper airways, depending upon the type of releasing stimuli, are defined as nasal hyperreactivity, for example in the case of AR, or as non-specific nasal hyperreactivity and as idiopathic rhinitis IR synonyms frequently used in the past: non-specific nasal hyperreactivity; vasomotor rhinitis in the case of non-characterised stimuli. An early and professional therapy of allergic disorders of the upper airways is of immense importance as allergic rhinitis is detected in comorbidities such as asthma and rhino sinusitis.
The therapeutic concept is influenced by new and further developments in pharmacological substance classes such as antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids.
Specific immune therapy, the only causal therapy for AR, has been reviewed over the past few years in respect of the type and pattern of application. Therapeutic management of IR is aimed at a symptom-oriented therapy of nasal hyperactivity as etiological factors relating to this form of rhinitis are not yet sufficiently known. Drug groups such as mast cell stabilizers, systemic and topic antihistamines, topic and systemic glucocorticosteroids, ipatroium bromide and alpha symphatomimetics belong to the spectrum of the therapeutics employed.
Allergic rhinitis AR and hyperractive disorders of the upper airway are characterized by nasal hyperreactivity [ 1 ] that, depending on the type of releasing irritants, is described as specific nasal hyperreactivityfor example Wie man 4 Kilo in einer Woche verliert AR, or as idiopathic rhinitis previously conventional synonyms: unspecific nasal hyperactivity, vasomotor rhinitis in cases where irritants are not more precisely identified and characterized [ 2 ], [ 3 ].
In the case of the latter, the nasal mucosa reacts and symptoms include sneezing, itching, nasal obstruction and hypersecretion to non-specific irritants that at the same intensity can be tolerated asymptomatically by healthy persons. The symptoms can appear individually or in varying combinations. This has to be distinguished from the physiologically normal nasal cycle interactive periodical congestion and decongestion of the nasal mucosa [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ].
Although allergic rhinitis does not per se represent any severe illness, the socio-economic influence of the illness on the population is classified as significant [ 2 ].
It is characterized by a high comorbidity such as asthma, food allergy, atopic eczema, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis and sinusitis. In the case of patients with allergic rhinitis, the risk of suffering from asthma is 3.
These Wie man 4 Kilo in einer Woche verliert were a reason for the action group "Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma ARIA ", in cooperation with the World Health Organization, to review AR and its therapeutic concepts [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 7 ], [ 8 ].
The cause of the prevalence of inhalationally induced allergic rhinitis is a controversial issue in Germany and other European countries [ 5 ]. Amongst other things, changes in the character of the early childhood immune system are seen as the decisive factor in AR.
Clinical studies have shown that children from families that live on farms exhibit considerably fewer allergic disorders than children living in cities [ 9 ]. An above average amount of organic particles are inhaled and ventilated by farmers in livestock agriculture. This dust contains very different types of microbes, for instance parasites, bacteria and fungi, as well as their component parts, such as endotoxines lipopolysacharides from the wall of gram-negative bacteria and glucanes analogous substances from fungi.
These are regarded as positive TH1 immune stimulators. In farming, high concentrations of endotoxines occur in the air in connection with animal husbandry, particularly in enclosed spaces stable but also living areas. The adjustment of farm children in respect of aeroallergens can be explained by a continual stimulation of the TH1 immune reaction via anthropozoonotic infections.
The assumption that endotoxines have a protective effect on the development of IgE-transmitted allergies is formulated in the so-called hygiene theory [ 10 ]. The hygiene theory has been the focus of much controversy for several years [ 11 ] and is by no means accredited. Alongside the hygiene theory, the so-called western lifestyle is described as the cause of the rising prevalence of allergies. Western lifestyle is broadly defined as comprising modern living conditions, better medical care and medicinal treatment, as well as trips abroad and the resulting frequent contact with foreign allergens [ 12 ], [ 13 ].
Air pollutants are also included in the discussion on the increasing prevalence of allergic disorders [ 14 ], [ 15 ]. In many countries outdoor air pollution in cities is caused primarily by motorized traffic.
Amongst the most important atmospheric or gaseous pollutants are ozone, nitric oxides and sulphur dioxides. It could be demonstrated experimentally that diesel causes an increase in the production of IgE from B lymphocytes.
Living space allergens and gaseous pollutants, the main source of which is tobacco smoke, characterize pollution in interior spaces. Although tobacco smoke itself is not allergic, it reduces mucociliary transport in the nose, triggers a non-IgE-mediated inflammation characterized by presence of eosinophil granulocytes.
This type of non-specific inflammatory reaction induced by passive smoking increases by a factor of two to four risk of suffering from an IgE-transmitted airway allergy [ 18 ]. Today, allergic rhinitis is defined as a symptomatic disorder of the nose induced by an IgE-mediated inflammation of the mucous membrane after exposure to allergens.
The symptoms of allergic rhinitis include rhinorrhea, nasal obstruction, an itching nose and sneezing. These symptoms are either spontaneously reversible or reversible under treatment. On the basis of temporal exposure, in the past allergic rhinitis was classified as either seasonal, perennial or occupational. Whilst perennial allergic rhinitis is caused mostly by interior space allergens such as house-dust mites, animal epithelia, fungi and other allergens, seasonal allergic rhinitis is determined by a wide spectrum of ambient air allergens such as pollen and fungi.
However, the division into seasonal, perennial and occupational allergic rhinitis appears today to be no longer satisfactory as some seasonal allergens such as grass pollen and parietaria pollen function as perennial allergens in southern California and the Mediterranean region.
It is also know that symptoms of perennial allergies are not determining factors for a disorder during the course of a year, but also vary seasonally in their exposition [ 2 ], [ 15 ]. For this reason a new classification of allergic rhinitis was undertaken based upon the duration of the illness Tab. Allergic rhinitis was divided into an intermittent and a persistent disorder. Based upon the degree of severity, allergic rhinitis is classified as either slight or moderately severe, depending upon symptoms and quality of life.
However, the terms "seasonal" and "perennial" may continue to be used in order to enable us to refer back to earlier studies. As far as the symptoms are concerned, there are also differences: rhinitis conditioned by pollen is distinguished above all by sneezing, secretion and concomitant conjunctivitis, whilst the most important symptom arising from rhinitides conditioned by mites is an obstruction [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 15 ].
With persistent rhinitis, according to the latest definition, all symptoms are equally strongly expressed. The early and professional therapy of allergic disorders of the upper airways is of immense importance as allergic rhinitis is detected in co-morbidities that encompass various aspects [ 3 ].
The disruption of quality of life and physical impairment due to AR range from insomnia with daytime tiredness [ 19 ] to diminished learning ability, particularly amongst children [ 20 ]. Evidence shows that serous otitis media is also frequently related to an allergy [ 25 ]. Furthermore, at least in the case of children, there is a demonstrable relationship to habitual snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome [ 26 ]. Therapy for allergic rhinitis can be divided into several therapeutic approaches: allergen elimination where possiblepharmacotherapy, specific immune therapy, and surgical therapy that may also be used in combination.
Of importance here is an understanding of the inflammatory mechanisms of AR that are modulated in each therapeutic approach.
The immune response presupposes a coordinated function of a number of control loops of the immune system. For this, the immune system requires not only the humoral and cellular immune response, but also messengers and mediators.
In this review the BEYOND trial is reviewed and placed in the context of advantages and disadvantages of currently available first line IFNB-1a im 6 MIU (30 µg)/Woche („black holes“) in den verschiedenen Behandlungsgruppen sein. GA gelegentliche lipoatrophische Veränderungen zu beobachten.
Amongst the cell messengers are the so-called cytokines that can be synthesized and released from practically every cell and which develop their biological effects for the most part over short distances - frequently only between two cells.
They can increase or reduce the synthesis capacity of target cells, prolong or shorten the duration of life and regulate the migration of immunocompetent cells. All cells active in the immune system are bound together in a network by means of cytokines.
The term cytokine covers a range of mediators with polypeptide structure that are named after their production centre. In this way interleukins, which define an interaction between leukocytes, lymphokines and monokines are all used synonymously. However, as a large amount of tissue cells such as fibroblasts and epithelial cells determine the synthesis capacity of identical polypeptide mediators, the generic term cytokine is used for the various mediators.
Cytokines are highly effective proteins and already develop their effect in the picomolar area of concentration. The effects of cytokines are described as redundant, pleiotropic and synergistic, that is to say a number of different cytokines can produce similar effects in a cell, a cytokine can exercise different effects on different cells and the combined effect of two cytokines can differ from the additive effect of the individual cell messengers.
Finally, these effects are subject to natural regulatory systems through antagonists and soluble cytokine receptors [ 27 ]. On first contact Fig. This MHC peptide complex is now recognised by the T cell receptor TCR on the T cell side.
Thus the peptides of the Wie man 4 Kilo in einer Woche verliert presented on the MHC molecules are thus also described as T cell epitopes and consist of linear protein fragments. After first contact of the antigen with the antigen presenting cell APC the antigen is processed and than presented on the cell surface within the major histocompability system class II MHC to the T-cell receptor.
An additional protein on the antigen presenting cell that binds to CD 28 on T-cell serves a costimulus. In the antigen presenting cells, antigen processing with the aid of the MHC complex is necessary as the T cells themselves, in the same way as an antibody, are not able to bind directly to the antigen determinant or the epitope. The surface molecule CD 4 of the T then binds to the MHC products of its target cells.
Consequently the T cell is then enabled to recognise the antigen structure and to react to it. Here, the CD28 molecule works as a co-stimulant on T cells which together with the CD80 receptor reacts to the APC. After T-cell activation through the T-cell receptor TH2 lymphocytes synthesizing TH2 cytokines interleukin-4, 5, 10 and 13 are generated.
The immune response to bacterial irritants, for example, is to a great extent associated with a TH1 cytokine pattern with immigration of neutrophil granulocytes. The immune response to allergens is classically related to a TH2 activation and thus to an increased production of IL 4 and IL 5. Following activation of a native T cell in a TH2 cell, the cytokines needed for IgE synthesis into B lymphocytes, cytokine IL-4 or IL-3, are synthesized Fig.
The so-called isotype switch or class change to immunglobulin E is induced via both cytokines, IL-4 or IL The molecular interaction between the CD40 ligand and CD is described as allergen non-specific interactions or as a co-stimulatory signal. IgE synthesis is triggered by IL-4, which is generated from activated TH2 cells. During the IL-4 stimulation the expression of CD 40 enhanced on B- lymphocytes, that binds to the CD ligand. The CD binding promotes the class-switch or so called isotype-switch to IgE.
Besides IL-4, IL even has IgE inducing function. The interaction between CD and its ligand is generally classified as allergen unspecific. The B lymphocyte is, however, not only able to synthesize immunlobulin, but also to bind IgE to its surface.
The binding of IgE antibodies to the low affinity receptor allows the B lymphocytes to take part in allergen-specific interactions. The B lymphocyte is, however, not only able to synthesize immune globulin, but also to bind IgE to its surface. The binding of antigens to the surface immune globulin of the B cell initiates a humoral response. However, this response is not enough to bring about a proliferation into a mature plasma cell.
In fact the B cell requires the help of an antigen processed by APC, the so-called B cell epitope consisting of a three-dimensional protein structure. In the course of the early allergy stages Fig. Here the mast cell is degranulated and mediators of the allergic inflammatory reaction histamine, tryptase and sulfidoleukotriens LT are distributed that display their effect on nerves, blood vessels and seromucous glands. Clinical symptoms such as itching and sneezing can be explained by the irritation of sensory nerve fibres in the epithelium owing to histamine.
After stimulation of the nerve fibres, a reflex arch is transmitted via the N. The nasal obstruction is based upon an increase in the distension of capacitive vessels in the submucosa. The parasympathetic stimulation of glandular cells and the plasma extravasation from capillaries lead to increased secretion and congestion of the nasal mucosa.
During the immediate phase of AR mast cells degranulate; mediators such as histamine, leukotrienes, prostaglines and tryptase are released into the tissue. During the late phase of AR, effector cells like eosinophils, neutrophils and basophils were recruited from blood flow to the nasal mucosa. Here, eosinophils synthesise cytotoxic proteins: eosinophilic cationic protein ECPmajor basic protein MBP and eosinophilic peroxidase EPO.
Additionally, a neurogenic inflammation reaction occurs after stimulation of afferent nerves with histamine. We also permuted the phenotype to generate data sets under the null hypothesis. In all analyses, MSE were similar but PERM and r2VIM declared more than hundred variables as important while RFE selected only a handful. The latter approach was also the only one that used more variables under the null hypothesis compared to the original data.
PERM and r2VIM selected the same variables when predicting gender differences, however, in a more complex problem of glioma subtypes, PERM identified additional important variables.
Run time was comparable for RFE and r2VIM whereas PERM was 20 times slower. In conclusion r2VIM is a sensible choice for variable selection in RF for application to high dimensional data sets. However, PERM should be preferred if false negative results need to be avoided and computational resources are not limited.
Johannes Krisam Institut für Medizinische Biometrie und Informatik, Universität Heidelberg. The planning stage of a clinical trial investigating a potentially targeted therapy commonly incorporates a high degree of uncertainty whether the treatment is more efficient or efficient only in a subgroup as compared to the whole population. Recently developed adaptive designs allow a mid-course efficacy assessment of the total population and a pre-defined subgroup and a selection of the most promising target population based on the interim results see, e.
Predictive biomarkers are frequently employed in these trials in order to identify a subset of patients more likely to benefit from a drug. The performance of the applied subset selection rule is crucial for the overall characteristics of the design.
We investigate the performance of various subgroup selection rules to be applied in adaptive two-stage designs. Methods are presented that allow an evaluation of the operational characteristics of rules for selecting the target population thus enabling to choose an appropriate strategy.
The comparison includes optimal decision rules which take the situation of uncertain assumptions about the treatment effects into account by modeling the uncertainty about parameters by prior distributions Krisam and Kieser, Furthermore, alternative selection rules proposed in the literature are considered.
We evaluate the performance of these selection rules in adaptive enrichment designs by investigating Type I error rate and power. Both the situation of perfect and imperfect e. Predictive biomarkers, especially gene-based ones, are usually wanted in order to predict risks associated with diseases. However, just using main effects frequently lead to too biased models.
Biological knowledge indicates Lipo 6 fat burner advantages and disadvantages gene-gene interactions may play an important role in the genetic etiology underlying diseases.
Yet, we still do not have standard tools for considering interactions in high-dimensional statistical models. There are several approaches for this task. Here, we want to present a modular approach that can increase the power to detect interactions and is easily extendible with respect to its components.
First, we set the background with respect to notions such as statistical and biological interactions, epistasis and association. After that, existing approaches for screening two-way interactions are succinctly described. As a guiding difference, we use the distinction between knowledge-based and data-driven screening, with emphasis on the latter.

Then, we motivate our approach: the main aim is to combine techniques in order to find interpretable interactions on the gene-level, even if the underlying variables show weak main effects. We use a regularized regression technique for evaluating the relevance of main effects and interactions, random forests RF for screening interactions, and refinements for improving the performance of RF, especially in order to stabilize results and find interactions related to variables with weak main effects.
All techniques and the resulting final approach are described in a non-technical manner. A cross-validated simulation study for evaluating the effect of interactions was conducted. The scenarios are shortly described and the results with a focus on sensitivity are presented. Besides the performance of our proposal, we also show the contribution of each component for the detection of interactions. The results show that RF can provide relevant interaction information, even without strong marginal effects.
Pre-processing in the form of orthogonalization is important for achieving best interaction detection performances. Introducing correlations makes interaction detection difficult; however, the pre-selection of interactions is not as bad as the final selection, indicating some kind of robustness of RF. The results also show that a moderate variable inclusion frequency of an interaction term e. Results on real data not shown indicate that the interactions found might be useful, but that their effects are rather weak.
We considered only two-way interactions in our study. It is important to extend our approach to higher-level interactions and to integrate biological knowledge in the screening process.
Whilst the genetic analysis of other major psychiatric phenotypes has been very successful recently, this has been much less the case for major depression MDD. In my talk I will try to discuss possible reasons, notably related to a large gene-environment as well as gene-gene interaction components in individual risk which is not taken into account in genetic studies as usually performed.
This is supported by recent functional work, also on MDD per sebut also on related phenotypes. Taking into account these factors in analysis, strong gains in power can be reached.
Daniela Adolf StatConsult Gesellschaft für klinische und Versorgungsforschung mbH, Magdeburg. Anhand funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie fMRT ist es möglich, neuronale Aktivität indirekt zu messen.
Bei fMRT-Aufnahmen eines Probanden handelt es sich um hochdimensionale Daten, die neben einer räumlichen Korrelation auch zeitliche Abhängigkeiten aufweisen.
Die Anzahl der Variablen, der sogenannten Voxel, übersteigt dabei üblicherweise den Stichprobenumfang erheblich, welcher der Anzahl aufeinanderfolgender Messungen entspricht. In Standardsoftwaretools werden diese Daten zumeist voxelweise und multiple adjustiert über allgemeine lineare Modelle untersucht, wobei die zeitliche Korrelation der Messung über ein Pre-Whitening berücksichtigt wird.
Hierbei wird gewöhnlich ein autoregressiver Prozess erster Ordnung unterstellt und dessen Korrelationskoeffizient geschätzt. Die Einhaltung des Fehlers 1. Art ist jedoch viel diskutiert Eklund et al. Im Vortrag wird zum einen die multivariate Analyse dieser Daten anhand spezieller stabilisierter multivariater Verfahren betrachtet Läuter et al.
Diese Testverfahren basieren auf linkssphärischen Verteilungen und arbeiten bei unabhängigen Stichprobenvektoren auch im hochdimensionalen Fall exakt. Zum anderen wird eine nichtparametrische Methode zum Umgang mit der zeitlichen Korrelation vorgestellt, die eine konkrete Annahme über die Korrelationsstruktur unnötig macht und dennoch den Fehler 1.
Art approximativ einhält. Matthias Schmid Institut für Statistik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Februar During the past years, gradient boosting has become an established tool to fit generalized additive regression models GAMs. An important feature of gradient boosting is its intrinsic mechanism for variable selection, which allows for carrying out feature selection and GAM estimation simultaneously.
This regularization mechanism makes boosting a suitable method for analyzing data that are characterized by small sample sizes and large numbers of predictors. The first part of the talk introduces the main ideas and characteristics of gradient boosting. Specifically, it is explained how to use boosting methods the derive GAM-based prediction models for biomedical outcomes. The second part of the talk demonstrates that gradient boosting is not restricted to classical GAMs but may also be used to handle regression problems without a likelihood function.
An important example is the concordance index for survival data, which can conveniently be optimized with respect to a combination of predictor variables via gradient boosting techniques. Thomas A. Gerds Department of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Time-to-event analysis where the Lipo 6 fat burner advantages and disadvantages of the event of interest can be precluded by another event is often referred to as competing risks.
We introduce a new approach to competing risks using random forests. Our method is fully nonparametric and can be used for selecting event-specific variables and as a means for estimating the cumulative incidence function. We show that the method is highly effective for both prediction and variable selection in high-dimensional settings and in settings such as cancer where there may be many competing risks at play. To assess prediction performance we use the concordance index and the prediction error defined by the integrated Brier score.
The concordance index C-index is related to the area under the ROC curve and estimates the probability that, in a randomly selected pair of cases, the case that fails first had a worse predicted outcome. The Brier score is the squared difference between actual and predicted outcome. Both measures need to be adapted to the setting with competing risks. In klinischen Studien können neben klassischen Verfahren der frequentistischen Statistik auch Bayes-Verfahren eingesetzt werden. Dabei kann man grundsätzlich in zweierlei unterschiedlicher Weise vorgehen.
Zum einen kann das gesamte statistische Konzept der Studie auf Verfahren der Bayes-Statistik beruhen. Zum anderen bieten Bayes-Verfahren die Möglichkeit, im Rahmen eines grundsätzlich frequentistischen Konzeptes ergänzend eingesetzt zu werden.
Im Vortrag werden einige besonders geeignete und aktuell verbreitete Bayes-Verfahren vorgestellt, die entweder den einen oder den anderen der beiden oben erwähnten Ansätze verfolgen. Die Bayes-Statistik beruht auf einem anderen Wahrscheinlichkeitsbegriff als die frequentistische Statistik, d.
Dementsprechend wird in der Bayes-Statistik eine so genannte A-priori-Verteilung verwendet, die das Vorwissen bzgl. Indem die A-priori-Verteilung mit der empirischen Information aus den neu erhobenen Daten einer Studie kombiniert wird, wird die so genannte A-posteriori-Verteilung gewonnen. In einer frequentistisch konzipierten klinischen Studie ist das zentrale Element des statistischen Konzepts in der Regel ein Signifikanztest. In einem Bayes-Ansatz wird als zentrale Entscheidungsregel stattdessen die A-posteriori-Verteilung verwendet.
Das Studienergebnis ergibt sich daraus, wie gut der zentrale unbekannte Parameter, z. Ein einfaches Beispiel für einen vollständigen Bayes-Ansatz in dem oben beschriebenen Sinn ist eine Überlebenszeitanalyse, in der ein Therapieeffekt als Hazard Ratio ausgedrückt wird.
In einem zweiten Beispiel wird ein Bayes-Verfahren zur Durchführung von Subgruppenanalysen vorgestellt. Hier wird die Schätzung eines Odds Ratios in einer bestimmten Subgruppe von Patienten dadurch verbessert, dass die entsprechenden Schätzungen des Odds Ratios in anderen Subgruppen als Zusatzinformation hinzugezogen werden.
In zwei weiteren Beispielen wird die ergänzende Nutzung von Bayes-Verfahren in Studien vorgestellt, deren zentrale Auswertung mit einem frequentistischen Signifikanztest erfolgt. In einer randomisierten Studie werden die Patienten üblicherweise mit fester und während der gesamten Studie gleichbleibender Wahrscheinlichkeit den Therapiegruppen zugeteilt.
Einen letzten vorgestellten Einsatzbereich ergänzender Bayes-Verfahren stellen Studien mit Zwischenauswertung dar. Hier kann anhand so genannter Predictive Probabilities zum Zeitpunkt der Zwischenauswertung eine Aussage über das spätere Studienergebnis getroffen werden.
Diese Aussage ist sehr zuverlässig, da sie dadurch entsteht, dass sämtliche vorliegende Information zum Zeitpunkt der Zwischenauswertung genutzt wird. Dies geschieht, indem über die unbekannten Modellparameter sowie die zukünftig beobachteten Daten integriert wird.
Die Integration erfolgt über die aktuelle A-posteriori-Verteilung zum Zeitpunkt der Zwischenauswertung. So ergibt sich die so genannte Bayesian Predictive Power, anhand derer entschieden werden kann, ob die Studie etwa wegen Aussichtslosigkeit abgebrochen werden sollte Futility Stopund wenn nicht, ob eine Anpassung der Fallzahl erfolgen sollte.
Isabella Zwiener Institut für Medizinische Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informatik, Universitätsmedizin Mainz. Datum: Dezember Gene expression measurements have successfully been used for building prognostic signatures, i. Mostly microarray measurements have been considered, and there is little advice available for building multivariable risk prediction models from RNA-Seq data. We specifically consider penalized regression techniques, such as the lasso and componentwise boosting, which can simultaneously consider all measurements and provide both, multivariable regression models for prediction and automated variable selection.
However, they might be affected not only by the normalization technique used, but also by the typical skewness, mean-variance-dependency or extreme values of RNA-Seq covariates.
Therefore, an analysis could benefit from transformations of RNA-Seq data. In an analytical part, we highlight preferential selection of covariates with large variances, which is problematic due to the mean-variance dependency of RNA-Seq data. In a simulation study, we compare different transformations of RNA-Seq data for potentially improving detection of important genes. Specifically, we consider standardization, the log transformation, a variance-stabilizing transformation, the Box-Cox transformation, and rank-based transformations.
In addition, the prediction performance for real data from patients with kidney cancer and acute myeloid leukemia is considered. We show that signature size, identification performance, and prediction performance critically depend on the choice of a suitable transformation.
Rank-based transformations perform well in all scenarios and can even outperform complex variance-stabilizing approaches. Generally, the results illustrate that the distribution and potential transformations of RNA-Seq data need to be considered as a critical step when building risk prediction models by penalized regression techniques. The clinical research of the last years went more and more into the direction to evaluate treatment effects in the overall trial population as well as in focused subgroups, especially for molecularly targeted compounds.
Recent publications provide strategies for the statistical analyses of clinical trials to demonstrate the benefit of a new drug for the overall population, only for a pre-specified subgroup of patients, or for the overall population and additionally an enhanced treatment effect for the subgroup of patients. Candidates for the definition of these subgroups are genetic markers, gene or protein expressions, but also classical demographic data, disease characteristics and clinical markers.
In case these covariates are measured on a continuous scale this requires additionally the definition of a reasonable cut-off for dichotomization. Such a cut-off can be developed based on phase II data and used for confirmatory analyses in phase III. For this purpose several approaches using p-value, effect size or likelihood driven criteria are discussed in the literature. We will give an overview of these methods and illustrate their application for some case studies.
Mario Hasler Lehrfach Variationsstatistik, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. This talk addresses the problem of multiple contrast tests in the presence of heteroscedasticity.
A procedure applying multiple degrees of freedom and a procedure based on sandwich estimation are described and compared by simulations concerning the family-wise error type I. The former procedure seems to be most robust, especially for situations where high variances meet small sample sizes. Hans-Peter Piepho Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften, Fachgebiet Bioinformatik, Universität Hohenheim. Meta-analysis summarizes the results of a series of trials. When more than two treatments are included in the trials and when the set of treatments tested differs between trials, the combination of results across trials requires some care.
Several methods have been proposed for this purpose, which feature under different labels, such as network meta-analysis or mixed treatment comparisons.
Two types of linear mixed model can be used for meta-analysis. The one expresses the expected outcome of treatments as contrast to a baseline treatment. The other uses a classical two-way linear predictor with main effects for treatment and trial. In this paper we compare both types of model and explore under which conditions they give Wie man 4 Kilo in einer Woche verliert results.
We illustrate practical advantages of the two-way model using two published datasets. In particular, it is shown that between-trial heterogeneity as well as inconsistency between different types of trial is straightforward to account for. Jochem König Institut für Medizinische Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informatik, Universität Mainz.
In der Medizin liegen zunehmend vergleichende Studien zu mehreren Therapien ein und derselben Indikation vor. Netzwerk-Metaanalysen erlauben es dann, Ergebnisse aus direkten Vergleichen zwischen zwei Behandlungen und solche aus Vergleichen zwischen anderen Behandlungen effizient zusammenzuführen. Solche gemischten Vergleiche enthalten also direkte und indirekte Evidenz.
Um den Beitrag einzelner Studien zu einem gemischten Vergleich offenzulegen wird der gepoolte Schätzer als Linearkombination aus Effekten einzelner Studien dargestellt und gezeigt, das Menge der Linearkoeffizienten als Netzwerk von Flüssen bildet. Was als Gewicht in der einfachen Metaanalyse bekannt ist wird daher in der Netzwerk-Metaanalyse nun als Evidenzfluss bezeichnet. Dieselbe Betrachtung ergibt sich, wenn in einem ersten Schritt jeweils alle Studien, welche dieselbe Menge von Therapien vergleichen, gepoolt werden und der gemischte Behandlungsvergleich als Linearkombination der so gepoolten Schätzer dargestellt wird.
Die Flusseigenschaft wird genutzt, um die graphische Darstellung des Evidenzflusses für einen Behandlungsvergleich zu verbessern. Hierzu wird als Werkzeug der Net-Heat-Plot bereitgestellt.
Sarah Marzi Institut für Medizinische Biometrie und Medizinische Informatik, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg. Assessment of predictive accuracy is crucial to clinical research and applications. Survival time predictions of disease outcomes are of interest to researchers, clinicians and patients alike. The Brier score Graf et al. However, the variance that stems from estimating it in patient samples has not been addressed in detail yet.
A recent paper by Antolini et al. Using this scheme an estimator for the variance of the Brier score is derived for discrete prediction models. These provide a finite classification scheme of with equal survival probability for patients in the same category. Since one of the major applications of the Brier score is the comparison of different prognostic models a second variance estimator is presented: it quantifies the variance which results when estimating the difference of two Brier scores for two discrete prognostic models that are evaluated on the same data set.
A study in patients with breast cancer will be used to illustrate the results of the variance estimators comparing two established prognostic classification schemes.
Additionally, a simulation study will show the performance of the estimators in small samples and in presence of censoring. April Most clinical end-point traits are governed by a set of quantitative and qualitative precursors and a single precursor is unlikely to explain the variation in the end-point trait completely.
Thus, it may be a prudent strategy to analyze a multivariate phenotype vector possibly comprising both quantitative as well as qualitative precursors for association mapping of a clinical end-point trait. The major statistical challenge in the analyses of multivariate phenotypes lies in the modelling of the vector of phenotypes, particularly in the presence of both quantitative and binary traits in the multivariate phenotype vector.
For family-based data comprising informative trios, we propose a logistic regression method that models the transmission probability of a marker allele from a heterozygous parent conditioned on the multivariate phenotype vector and the allele transmitted by the other parent.
In both the approaches, the test for association is based on all the regression coefficients. We carry out extensive simulations under a wide spectrum of genetic models and probability distributions of the multivariate phenotype vector to evaluate the powers of our test procedures.
We apply the proposed methods to analyze a vector of four endophenotypes associated with alcoholism: the maximum number of drinks in a 24 hour period, Beta 2 EEG Waves, externalizing symptoms and the COGA diagnosis trait in the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism COGA project.
No treatment works the same for every patient. Few therapies will benefit all patients, and some may even cause harm. Hence, biological markers "biomarkers" are required that can guide patient tailored therapy. Using omics technologies the challenge is to derive a predictive genomic signature from a large number of candidates.
Commonly Wie man 4 Kilo in einer Woche verliert identification of potentially Lipo 6 fat burner advantages and disadvantages biomarkers is addressed by inference of regression models including interaction terms between the continuous biomarkers and the treatment assignment.
To derive a prediction model based on a list of potentially predictive biomarkers we propose to combine componentwise screening with a final modelling step comprising a forward stepwise selection of interactions.
To screen for predictive biomarkers we investigated several extensions to standard approaches including multivariable fractional polynomials, concordance regression, and the application of the permutation of regressor residuals test.
In the modelling step grouped penalization was applied. We used simulation studies to assess the utility of the proposed procedures. Applications to two prospectively planned, randomized clinical trials will illustrate our findings.
Anne-Laure Boulesteix Medizinische Fakultät, Institut für Medizinische Informationsverarbeitung, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
Hundreds of prediction models have been proposed in the biomedical literature to predict patient outcome in clinical settings from high-dimensional molecular data, many of which eventually failed to get validated. In the first part of this talk, I will briefly introduce state-of-the-art supervised classification methods addressing this task and discuss important issues related to validation such as over-optimism in the evaluation of prediction algorithms.
The second part of the talk will be devoted to the problem of the added predictive value of high-dimensional molecular data given that classical clinical predictors are already available. How can we fit combined prediction models using both types of predictors? How can we assess the relative importance of a high-dimensional block of molecular predictors and a low-dimensional block of clinical predictors? How can we validate added predictive value based on an independent validation data set?
I will critically survey existing approaches and suggest new procedures to address these questions. Sergey Postovalov Department of Applied Mathematics, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia. Genome-wide Association Studies GWAS are expensive in terms of both phenotyping and genotyping. In two-stage association designs, a subset of all subjects is genotyped on the genome-wide scale in the first stage, and the remaining subjects are genotyped for candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms SNPs subsequently.
This approach can lead to a substantial reduction in total study cost. Modern genotyping technologies allow the use of 96 and well plates. In this presentation, optimal study designs will be considered when the first stage sample size is a multiple of the well plate size. Monte-Carlo simulations are used to find the optimal number of well plates and type I error levels for the first stage and the second stage. Special attention is given to the special case when the mode of inheritance is unknown.
It will furthermore be shown that the costs can be expressed in terms of the Kullback-Leibler distance. Die Fragestellung der Schätzung der lokalen Varianz, die in diesem Vortrag behandelt wird, wurde durch eine Anwendung im medizinischen Bereich motiviert. Wir nehmen an, dass ein Patient unter einer bestimmten Krankheit leidet, und der behandelnde Arzt den Krankheitsverlauf prognostizieren möchte.
Von Interesse dabei ist es, die mittlere Überlebenszeit Y, aufgrund einer Beobachtung des d-dimensionalen Prädiktor-Zufallsvektors X — d. Die Vorhersagequalität der Regressionsfunktion wird global durch den sog. Ziel ist es, die lokale Varianz anhand geeigneter Schätzmethoden Kleinste Quadrate, Lokale Mittelung, Nächste Nachbarn zu schätzen.
Ein zusätzliches Problem dabei ist, dass die Informationen von Patienten, über die die Ärzte verfügen, oft nicht vollständig sind oder, selbst während der Behandlung, aus verschiedenen Gründen enden Zensierung. Mehrere Schätzer der lokalen Varianz werden angegeben, sowohl im unzensierten als auch im zensierten Fall, ihre Konsistenz wird gezeigt und die Konvergenzgeschwindigkeit wird unter Glattheitsvoraussetzungen ermittelt. Die Leistung zweier gewählter Schätzer wird anhand Simulationen verglichen.
Ort des Vortrages:S 3b, Zentralklinikum Uhrzeit Aufbauend auf einer Arbeit von Y. Nishiyama werden Anpassungstests für allgemeine nichtlineare Zeitreihenmodelle entwickelt. Diese sind verteilungsfrei und in Spezialfällen wird entweder die Konsistenz bewiesen oder gezeigt, dass ein Test inkonsistent ist.
Intubation is the process of inserting a flexible tube anywhere in the human body. It is used in emergency medicine to help when a patient have difficulty in breathing, and to keep the airway open for delivery of anesthetic drugs and oxygen during surgery. Mivacurium is a non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocker used to facilitate intubation. The objective of the paper is to identify the factors that affect the probability of excellent intubation condition of Mivacurium EIC.
A total of patients from 51 randomized and controlled clinical trials were studied using meta-analysis methods. Classical and Bayesian statistical approaches were used. In meta-analysis fixed effect and random effects models can be used to combine results from the different studies included in the meta-analysis. In contrast, the random effects model allows the true effect size to vary from study to study, and accounts for both within and between study variability in the estimation process.
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Results from fixed effect and random effects meta-analysis showed lack of significant effect of mivacurium on the probability of excellent intubation condition. To explore the sources of heterogeneity fixed effect and random effects meta-regression models were fitted. Results from the classical meta-regression models showed that dose, average age, time to intubation tstart and age by tstart interaction term are the variables that significantly affect the probability of excellent intubation condition.
The Bayesian approach on the other hand showed the probability of excellent intubation condition varies with dose and age by tstart interaction for the fixed effect model, and by dose for the random effects meta-regression. However, interpretation of the results Wie man 4 Kilo in einer Woche verliert be done with caution since meta-analysis as an observational study is subject to confounding and ecological bias.
In diagnostic studies a new diagnostic test is often compared with a standard test in a within-subject design. For the estimation of the difference between two dependent tests confidence intervals for the difference of two dependent rates i. There are many feasible intervals, but no clear recommendation which one to apply in this case.
Newcombe compared in ten approaches for the whole parameter space and gave summarized results. But for diagnostic studies only a reduced parameter space is relevant for example sensitivity and specificity greater or equal than 0. In the talk I will present the results of the comparison of the various approaches type one error, power and the example of Dickel et al. References: 1. Newcombe, R. Brunner E. Leisenring W. Dickel H. Wenzel D, and Zapf A. Oktober Sollen phänotypische oder klinisch relevante Daten aus molekularen Profilen z.
Ein Lösungsansatz besteht in der Erzeugung sogenannter latenter Variablen. Es werden vor allem zwei Verfahren vorgestellt, die eine Regression mit latenten Variablen durchführen: die Hauptkomponenten-Regression PCR und die Partial-Least-Squares-Regression PLSR. Es wird der NIPALS-Algorithmus vorgestellt, der zur Berechnung der latenten Variablen dienen kann.
Basierend auf einer kleinen Simulationsstudie werden Unterschiede zwischen PCR und PLSR beleuchtet. Der Vortrag soll nur als Einführung verstanden werden, für Details werden weiterführende Referenzen angegeben und Skripte zur Verfügung gestellt.
Drei neue statistische Auswertestrategien populations-basierter Assoziationsstudien werden diskutiert:. Statistisch gesehen sind Max-Tests als multiple Kontrasttests die Grundlage- deren Vor- und Nachteile bei der Auswertung von Assoziationsstudien werden diskutiert. Vor- und Nachteile simultaner Konfidenzintervalle gegenüber adjustierte p-Werte werden problematisiert.
Anhand dreier Realdatenbeispiele ausgewählte SNPs bis hin zu GWA werden obige Methoden veranschaulicht, wobei die R Pakete multcomp, nparcomp und mratios benutzt werden. Gerta Rücker University Medical Center Freiburg, Institute of Medical Biometry and Medical Informatics. For various reasons, small studies show sometimes different, often larger, treatment effects than large studies.
In this talk we introduce the concept of a limit meta-analysis, which yields shrunken estimates of the study effects, based on an extended random effects model including a parameter representing small-study effects. This leads to pooled treatment effect estimates adjusted for small-study effects [1, 2]. Simulation Wie man 4 Kilo in einer Woche verliert have shown that the limit meta-analysis yields treatment effect estimates that are more robust against both heterogeneity and small-study effects than established estimates [3].
The adjusting method and the new measure are illustrated using meta-analyses of binary data. References: [1] Moreno S, Sutton A, Ades A, Stanley T, Abrams K, Peters J, Cooper N. Assessment of regression-based methods to adjust for publication bias through a comprehensive simulation study. BMC Medical Research Methodology ; URL www. Treatment effect estimates adjusted for small-study effects via a limit meta-analysis.
Biostatistics ; 12 1 Detecting and adjusting for small-study effects in meta-analysis. Biometrical Journal ; 53 2 Ronja Foraita Bremer Institut für Präventionsforschung und Sozialmedizin, Institut für Epidemiologie und Präventionsforschung, Bremen. Verschiedene Studien haben aufgezeigt, dass der Einfluss genetischer Faktoren auf psychische Eigenschaften Turkheimer et al.
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